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Love letterGod's salvation plan for you and me

God rules
The Bible tells us that God created everything and everyone. And that He is in control
(Colossians 1:16-17)

We sinned
Each of us chose to disobey God. The Bible calls that sin. Our sin created a rift between us and God, resulting in death.
(Romans 3:23/6:23)

God provided
God sent Jesus. The perfect solution to our sin problem. to save us from the death we deserve and close the gap. Because we as sinners can never get that done. Nothing but faith in Jesus saves us!
(John 3:13/Ephesians 2:8-10)

Jesus gives
Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead. He lovingly invites every person to God's worldwide family and to Eternal Life.
(Romans 5: 8/2 Corinthians 5:21/1 Peter 3:18)

Our response
Believe in your heart that only Jesus saves. Repent of your sins, choose Jesus, receive forgiveness, and tell others that you have chosen Him.
(John 14:6/Romans 10:9-13)

Do you say yes to God too?
He is waiting for you with wide open arms! If you can't find words for it yourself, you could say the following prayer: "Lord God, come into my life, forgive me my sins and show me the way to go. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen." Amen means, 'So be it'. So, God has heard the heartfelt prayer you just said. You are now a full child of God and you can have full confidence that He is with you forever. For Jesus said, "And, behold, I am with you all the days ..."
(Matthew 28: 17-20)